Last weekend I visited my friends that live in Washington, IA about 40 minutes from campus and I had a BLAST! It was SO MUCH FUN! I left my dorm about 6:00 Saturday night and went to her house to find a nice home cooked meal of tacos, my favorite! :) After dinner, we kind of just hung out until one of Keri's friends, Carly, came over! She was so nice and hilarious we had a blast! I got an official tour of Washington, we ate ice cream where Keri works, rented Bridesmaids, and just sat around and talked.
On Sunday, Keri and I went and visited the Coralville mall and shopped, one of my favorite activities! I spent money, not lots, though, because I am a poor college student! We got back around 3:30 and I can't really remember what we did until we ate supper. Oops! After supper, a bunch of Keri's friends came over and we deeded to go play some harmless tricks on their youth leader's car! It was a blast. I loved meeting her friends and actually met one that goes to the UofI! so we are becoming friends and are actually hanging out tomorrow night (more details to come)
Monday, Keri's church's youth group was painting their youth room so I helped out and did that, too. It was fun to hangout with her friends and paint and meet new people! They're room looks really good! After that it was time to go home, that was the worst part of the trip. But, it was good to be back and see Megan.
I didn't miss the heat though! WOW! It's been so hot!
This week is a big week in hawkeye country.. T-Pain is coming to do a concert in honor of Hawkapooloza and President Obama is going to speak on Friday! Both are free events! wooooo! I'm so pumped! Also, it's the big ISU/Iowa game this weekend! It's my first football game and it's the big rivalry! How exciting!