Wednesday, May 21, 2014

let's try it again

Alright, so clearly I'm not good at blogging at all. BUT, I'm going to try this summer!!!!!

I finished up my sophomore year of college and my second semester was the best thus far academically!! I'm so excited about my grades and it makes me excited because I know I have truly found something I want to do.

Also, this year rocked with my new roommates!! So much better than last year and a lot more fun for sure! We've established a little routine and it's really going well!

Right now, I'm currently working at the rec, coaching 9-11 year old girls softball, and supervising ballfields. I literally work 7 days a week. CRAZINESS!

Sunday, January 19, 2014


I suck at blogging..

so classes start on Tuesday for second semester.. I'm SO ready to be back in a routine/trying to establish a "normal" routine. my schedule is going to be CRAZY with 5 classes, at least 14 hrs (in one department) at work, and coaching. In case anyone is curious, I'm taking...

  • Leisure and the Liberal Arts
  • Personal Training
  • Advanced Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Interpretation of Lit 

speaking of coaching, who woulda thought I would be coaching boys basketball AND enjoying it (for the most part)?! my boys are so fun and they're so concerned with my hand it's ridiculously cute and sweet! tell don't like me standing because they feel as though I will make it worse. it was kinda funny because right after they told me that I ended up almost falling because I tripped on a bench.. OOPS! Saturday was a great game! I would say we won by quite a bit and I was SO proud of their teamwork and sportsmanship! we have some things to work on with fundamentals and such but hey, it'll get there. tonight was NOT a good practice, though. I think they are just testing the waters because I'm a girl coaching a boys team. but if you know me you know I don't put up with that stuff!

my hand situation still sucks as it's still really painful but it's still attached so I guess that's a plus! although this brace that immobilizes my whole hand minus my fingers has gotten real old, real fast. but hopefully it will all get straightened out soon.

BUT! everyone should go check out my best friend's blog.. 

Emily got a crazy cool internship where she is working in the Senate all of second semester! keep up to do date with her life and adventures, too :)