Sunday, October 27, 2013

midterm madness

Last time I blogged I told you I would keep you updated and then school was like "LOL, nope." Things got really crazy around here and I had so many tests and midterms and papers it was insane!! The good thing is, I've gotten almost all of them all done except for one midterm on Tuesday and part of a paper due in a couple of weeks! AND, I'm almost done with my coaching class! Hooray!! I only have 9 units (4 tests and 1 assignment) left of my coaching authorization class to obtain my coaching license. It's very exciting!

Other than midterms and schoolwork, life is just swell. Hawks are doing well on the field and I'm keeping myself occupied with many different activities and fun things. Weekends are crazy busy with visitors or work.

Work is keeping me verrrrrrrry busy. I can't remember if I mentioned it in my last post, but I work at the coralville rec center as a rec associate. Basically I make sure kids are following the rules and such and if they aren't I have to deal with it. It's really beneficial because I get a lot of homework done there!!

I recently found out I was paired with a little sister in the Big Brother/Big Sister program through Johnson county! I am so excited to meet her, which is hopefully within the next couple weeks!!

Just the same ol' Ashton, keeping wayyy too busy for her own good :)

Here are some pics to tide you over.