Friday, August 24, 2012

what the heck happened last night?

so what the heck happened last night!? ha for real though. Meg and I were just chillin', minding our own business when all of a sudden we kept hearing more and more loud voices (different than the ones that were fairly quiet down the hall at the party someone was throwing). So I decided to get up and check it out.

IT WAS SO WORTH IT! Our across the hall neighbor was being carried in by this short, tiny dude and every time he set her down she'd like run away! hahaha it was so funny! We got a great laugh out of it! So all these guys that took her home kept saying "where's Shorty? where's Shorty?" (Shorty is Sam's, the girl who was carried in, roommate). So of course we were not going to bed! We stayed up until like 11:30 waiting for something good to happen.

In the middle of all of this comical stuff, we had action out our window, too! Megan and I are pretty sure we witnessed a drug deal with people outside Burge, the dorm next to ours. All we had to say is "This is awesome entertainment!"

Something good did happen with Sam! Although we didn't wait up for Shorty (Danielle) to get in, we did get to hear all the guys say "we can't just leave her alone. she's really bad. she just puked all over the floor! puke is icky." hahahahah they were obviously drunk themselves so they were saying some pretty ridiculously funny things. At one point, somehow Sam got in her lofted bed (HORRIBLE IDEA) and when they opened the door, she fell off her bed. Ommmmmggggggg, these people! It was so funny. So a couple guys stayed in with Sam in her room to make sure nothing happened and 3 guys stood outside her door to guard it so she didn't get out and other people wouldn't go in there. oh man!

Megan went to the bathroom this morning and Sam and Shorty's door was open and Shorty was like rubbing Sam's back and telling her to wake up. We are pretty sure she's like dead.

We decided if every Thursday is like this we don't ever need to go out to find entertainment! hahahaha


  1. Where are you living? Animal House?!

  2. amazingly they are not in the party dorm, it just sounds like it!

    is this the girls right across the hall that I'm thinking of?

    did you pop some popcorn and crack open a dr.p?

  3. Just catching up on your new blog...Grandma Connie shared the address with me.

    Just be glad it was the girls across the hall and not you that woke up feeling that way. (It's not fun!)
